Filmmaker Kamal Hassan’s stance on his film Vishwaroopam has changed to enable its commercial release this week in Tamil Nadu. But the thought of Citizen Kamal Hassan – of wanting to leave India – still holds. It is an important thought. It pops up often in the minds of many Indians but it doesn’t get written about. Far too many Indians wish to quit the country. Here are 10 most common reasons why they want to. 1. Aggressive society Passive-aggressive in the south; hostile in the north. This upsets people. You can sense it on the roads, in shops, in cinemas, in offices. And definitely in places that sell liquor. Indians who have spent time even briefly in the West are able to sense the offensive nature of India better. Non-Indians are plain shocked. Any interaction with Indians can get violent within moments. The aggression is mostly verbal, but just as bad as physical hostility.This makes people want to leave and never return. 2. Unchanging politics There are six national ...