It took time, but I learnt to live, however be the days, I have learnt to live, now I have known this, what's happiness and what's sorrow both are weathers of two moments neither they wait nor stay life gets made of two colors, now angry, now placated, this, this is here.. It took time, but I learnt to live, Without tears, I have learnt to live Now I have known whom to call mine there is someone, who has told me where have you been left, life is like a convoy, when are you alone here (you never are) everything, everything is here.. When someone tells a happy, cheerful story, my heart says, I'd listen too, If there are pearls in tears, someone's souvenir, my heart says, I'd pick too.. I should be embracing my love only, I should be walking just like that in the paths, just like that.. now here, now there... But now i started learn to live....