As i was watching some random animal channel came to know a Hermit crabs. As they grow, they keep shifting from one shell to another to fit them properly. This does not necessarily mean that the previous shell was unimportant or invaluable. It just means that they are moving on from something which was stunning their growth. Same is the case for humans. As we go through our lives, we meet people and have different experiences at different stages. Our social circle and encounters are something which constantly change. Those who were once pillars of strength and out solace may now be just social media acquaintances or strangers. An experience which made us feel secure just may be a bland memory now. This does not diminish the value of the relationship or the experience;they were what we needed during that phase in life. As we grow, we need to sometimes let go and reboot our social circle and consciousness, which i'm yet to learn. We need to let go of relationships and experienc...