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Showing posts from November, 2021

Port Lavaca!

T oday as i was stepping out of a beautiful & my comfortable zone of Port Lavaca many things have crossed in my heart for one the most satisfying & also peaceful places in last 15 yrs of me being part nomadic life...Life does give chance to experience if only we stretch our arms to accept and explore new changes. The last 6yrs has been difficult for me with constant travel, changing places, getting accommodative to new environment and people. And also, a huge burden of endless pain i was thrown into Just when i thought life is constant fluid, i got rediscovered myself in this amazing & truly a cinematic experience of living in Port Lavaca. I met some amazingly good friends & even more looking life on bright side with what GOD has given us! Port Lavaca has offered me many moments to cherish, all the evenings gazing the amazingly beautiful sun sets and raising has given me a sense of calmness which i was longing for! It’s hard to begin with where to start and end