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GRANVILLE ISLAND - Vancouver Experience

If someone asked me watz my favorite place in Vancouver is for evening stroll, I’d say GRANVILLE ISLAND. It has everything I love fresh vegetables, fruits, seafood, good coffee and outstanding flowers, shops to browse in, restaurants, artist's workshops and it's located in a very picturesque spot,False Creek.
As we went(my & me) for just a stroll, it was re-freshing evening for us. We already explored the place last week itself but as we both had a hectic week we just wanted to rejuvenate our self with a pleasant evening walk. YES this place will really clam down your senses.
As I was tired of market place(place where fresh organic food is available) we started towards the seawall called False Creek. It’s just a re-freshing thing to do after a bad working week for my le & me. The creek gives fantastic views of the city and mountains.Just as we enter island after 5min of walk there is this place for kids called: The Kids Only Market (1496 Cartwright), stuffed full of everything they love from toys, clothes to video games. Plus there are two playgrounds, one of them has a water park and water slide operating during the summer months, which I missed it as i went during fall time(actually it was drizzling....)The other one park is opened during winter, which again i missed it..!
Granville Island is underneath the south end of the Granville street bridge. We can get there by crossing the Burrard street bridge going south and turning left around 2nd Avenue.Granville Island is home for a number of artisans like potters, glass blowers and jewellers.The place where the studios is make and sell their creations. It’s pretty cheap just like in india we have DWCRA group...!!!
We browsed along the malls but didn’t dare to buy any, got a cool honey breezer and was enjoying didn’t like the idea of me taking breezer,she wanted me to grab a wine instead, but sorry guys/girls no wine for me…hahaa. she was looking funny with her Christmas cap(it was pretty chilly as its along the sea coast..)
There are also several artists studios and shops where people can buy these hand-crafted works of art.The island has also a Arts club theatre which is a live theatre, its open during the day, my said that it plays some wonderful opera during christmas & thanks giving day...hopefully will be there on thanks giving day...Granville Island has a number of restaurants which is a good place for dinner or lunch.We had our dinner at a restaurant called MEOW.Its pretty good one with some old western music playing all the time.
Another place to unwind and stroll is along the water,which we did after the was time to say goodbye,as she was heading towards downtown & i went ahead to my place for a good tight sleep...


Ramya Harika said…
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Teja_rockz said…
mannnn u njoyd a lot!!!!!!! lol...... i wish even i was der to njoy!!!!!! And "MEOW's" the coolest part.......i guess

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