Alone,lonely,lost,pain....just this words scares me to heights. Being alone & being in pain is the worst thing in life.i suspect the pain of being alone is a universal human experience. Unfortunately, no relationship can relieve the pain of being permanently alone. Even in the best of relationships, there always comes a time when our friends, family, and partners are not available and we are alone. If we seek out relationships or stay in relationships because we can't deal with being alone, the time we are in fact alone can be unbearably painful. And the time we are with someone will be bittersweet because we will know on some level that we will be alone again soon.
Though my interpretation of being alone is much more than what anyone can think of(people around me will never come to terms when i say iam alone...!)
Fear of being alone can make you feel very insecure. When we are alone we tend to feel as if we need to be around people at all the times. Fear of being alone can be caused by many kinds of things. For me it is being away from my large family, lots of friends but also from my loved one's who always made me comfortable in every sense, they made me feel that they have understood me but does really anyone in world totally understand another person...well that a strange question but no one can understand himself/herself leave alone understand by others...!
The physical & mental pain we under go when we are alone cant not be described in words but as said its a part of life and we need to get along with all.I have experieced the pain coming from stomach with un-explanable feeling,a feeling where all nerves pull up with strength saying & making you feel alone...! Frankly from the time i came to US my experiment with all the emotions of life have been explored a lot.
Being alone fills mind with many negative things,it affects our behavior or even numbs out our memory but the challenge is how we fight this loneliness.For me it was always reading & writing but my suggestion for those who really need to cope up with being left out :
1. Stop doing all of the behaviors that help you avoid being alone.
2. Feel your feelings and know they are only feelings.
3. Continue to not do behaviors that stop the feelings of being alone.
4. Practice self care -- sleep, eat, exercise, read, talk to yourself gently.
5. Know the feelings will pass and you will be a stronger, more resilient, more powerful person on the other end.
6. Trust yourself and your own ability to take care of yourself.
Of course to feel healthy and well we all need people in our life, but if you feel this way, we are restricting our self by saying we need to have people around all the time then this need is controlling us. This controlling part has to be cut out and yeah the point where iam loosing out is is where i need to start growing, a stage where iam stuck at present.
My blogs,my writing may inspire someone but i hope it does the same to me someday...!!!!!