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Mankind gradually going back to the 19th Century

A number of interesting things seem to be happening these days - just made these simple observations in the last one week

1) Americans are increasingly preferring to cycle to work because they cannot afford to drive, with the present GAS prices..!

2) Thai farmers are using bullocks for farming and letting their tractors rust. They are now using traditional cow dung instead of modern fertilizers. Well that explains that adaptation of old form cultivation..!!

3) Millions of Indians are now discovering the joy of reading and talk to friends in person since often there is no electricity to watch TV.Atleast with the present trend wat it seems like to me,will go on...

4) The U.S is rapidly becoming a socialist country and in the next ten years will have more government owned banks than India. Russia, Venezuela and many more countries and now making good progress towards state ownership of assets .... of course this is an interim step towards the move to an agriculture based society.


Unknown said…
good site... but too much of matter... i really dint have patience to read the whole stuff... will read some day... dont kw when though ;-).... have fun
Arvind said…
thanks for your comments simi :-)
Unknown said…
As tha mankind is gradually going back, in future they may go back to stone age Aravind.ha ha ha.
Just kidding.
Really good and informative post.
Ramya Harika said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chetu said…
Hey nee degara chala info undi........naaku emaina doubts untey nee site ki vachi check chesukunta..........thanks for sharing so much information....thanks a lot
Anonymous said…
One more to add up ..

Spend with iPhone for 1 hour .. and spend playing with her hands of someone u care.. end of the day u just throw ur iPhone.. Touch has that effect.. Gadgets can come and go .. feeling of touch stay in u for ever and ever..

Try to say bye to these as much as u can.. use it as just necessity don't get addicted to it

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