Firstly let me start with my misadventure at the immigration office. It was one of the bad experiences i had at Canadian port. They grilled me for about half hour about my stay, they were suspicious about why was i staying for such a long period, after complete questioning i was given a green signal to enter the city...for first one week i was staying in hotel Victoria, which almost 3 blocks away from the office 855 homer street. It was pretty fine but the only regret was staying alone all through the day over the weekend.
Soon after checking into the hotel, was ready to hit the road. It was love at first time with the city atmosphere, people and of course different cuisine. Didn’t know wat to have as all the things seems to be tasteless when compared to Indian spicy food, so I had to add extra chilly, pepper in the food to get adjusted…Though first week in office was not hectic it made me feel better with the style of working and getting along with my colleagues.
My manager kearn pegg introduced me to the team namely libor vicek,ryan co, azar,sean and teryl cardose…I was given the best possible place i.e beside a window where I can view the downtown city…!!
Then of course over the first weekend i visited my friend chandana's buddy neelima & suresh place. Frankly they have been a best people i have come across and made me so comfortable that i forgot for few moments that i was a guest to them...! it was more of a sister bound relation i shared with neelima and yeah how can i forget to mention there son nishwan....oh full of life, hearty smile ,joyful, bubbly, active …running out of words to describe the lil one. Throughout my stay in Vancouver there wasn’t a day left without thinking how lucky iam to get such a wonderful company.
By the time I went to her place for the first time,she prepared all Indian dishes which was a life back for me…yeah kind of feeling irritated having burgers,pizza,pasta all over the week…
The earlier guy vinod,who was working for the business objects helped me to get in touch with a srilankan couples,who offered me to stay with them as a paying guest. Again a word of appreciation for vinod who took pains on the weekends to help me perform in my job by teaching me crystal reporting tool in 2hrs…!! His advice and moral support was important for me in understanding the present job responsibilities…
Oh wat can I say about the srilankan couples…they are fantastic human being….chitra and ranjan fonseka….they provided me all the facilities but with a price tag attached to it…in this era no one are that generous right…expect being my lovely friends neelima & suresh…
A small walk-in ward robe,attached bathroom and yeah a small fridge was there in the room…which was pretty comfortable for me…its almost 45min journey from office to this place….(from Granville I need to take a train to 22nd street ,reach there and on 7 number bus stop, take a bus number 410…and on the 2nd stop i.e exactly opposite to SAVE & GAS it’s the place where I stayed, charges are $2.25 per trip…which is valid for 90min of journey)
The city is divided in 3 zones with each zone having its own prices…neelima’s house is in patterson…
There is so much to tell about each day that this blog will go in bundle of another big epic....so will cut short here but will try to add all the best experiences….