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My Vision of Mum' Bites'

Dear people where are we heading today in politics or for the matter anything related to the mumbai terror...i spent sleepless nights & was crazily following the things going on...frankly speaking india had showed its utter passive nature, illogical planning, nonsense attitude...there are so many things which was not handled in right sense, even the military operation which was carried out was not properly executed & our so called commands are nothing but a big show off & there incompetence for handling the situation was utter pathetic... it’s shameful that it took more than 60 hours to neutralize a handful of mercenaries..!

The worlds leaders were laughing with the kind of strategies followed by the ATS & army took them 3 days to take over a building..shucks....rather it would have been better if it was handled by the normal people...chi.. so in-capable military & ATS people were...its better to stay in US than going back to india...a army which is recorded as one of the best in the world combat was not able to tackle an attack on the historic building, an iconic structure which has been a landmark for many. Its strange that taj houses 560 rooms was not able to get rescued by 467(roughly) army battalion, it showed the world that how illogical planning is followed…countries like US, UK, Israel was offering help to combat the operation, it shows incompetence and we pay our half the hard earned money to this so called buggers in terms of taxes & what not…

Surely will salute those who are dead but does not think the determination & attitude they have shows to the world is worth a mention. I’m very deeply pained to say such thing as I respect my army & my country more than my self, it’s because of them we are sleeping in the nights but due this operation my mind has disturbed a lot…

Election might come every term & a new leader might emerge but none are going to change the country, it’s thoughts of the citizens that has to be change…….what will an old asshole politicians will do to the country…today country needs a dynamic leaders, youngsters to lead INDIA and this old buggers can be considered for suggestions…!!

Today i appreciate a leader like BUSH, just because he has shown the world that he will not budge to terrorism…..just on the suspicious basis he wiped off 2 major countries….imagine the guts for such cut throat decisions… the entire world salutes US not only because they are powerful but they have again showed to the world that if anyone touches US base then they will be wiped off from the world map…we need such leaders but not a f _ _ _ _ng bas_ _ _ _ like manmohan,deshmuk or for the matter any old rusted minds of politicians, who says to people calm down…does they have a blood of there mother to talk such nonsense…a spit on there face…we the people are left with only one mantra. Womb to Bomb to Tomb…

I do not wish to talk more about the incident as it has left so much of frustration within me. We have handed over a great nation to scoundrels & crooks … least we need to correct our self before pointing figures @ this @#*%^&…..

Sorry guys/gals if I have used such bad mouthing words but the anger in me is taking over whenever I think about this incident…somehow feels that I have also become a part of this moaning system, which is ruining our Mother India….One day when we look back then we will realize that we have left only Tombs….



Anonymous said…
As the title says yes we are completely "MUM" by the statements our PM has said and the approach our leaders had..
Yes, there must a better decision maker at his best,who can lead but not be "Led By..".
manojdotcom said…
yes arvind i agree with ur opinion
Anonymous said…
Ya Arivand you are right
Unknown said…
Yes Aravind. I am sure all can understand your frustration and they also comment just like me saying all kind of ...... and we also know the Mumbai terror attack is not the first terror attract and India was victimized by foreign bodies . We know the terrorist are …………… But we not so we need to undertand what steps we have taken to overcome this kind of attacks.

We take precautions for every natural disasters but we didn’t take any precaution against terrorist. I guess we need to be strong to face these kind of attacks and we also need to show what is India about and how strong we are…

But in general we need to understand what can make our country better what additional steps each and every person did to change it. frankly we did nothing except paying tax from our salary...

Have we ever asked where that money went.... and where it spend. or at least our employers asked where that spend.. bcos no one care whatever happens until unless they get victimized and that is the facts we need to agree… I blame everyone

we need to wake up the country politicians and each and every individual citizen. But the question here is who will do that and how that can happen... a drastic change. But we need to understand small changes can make big difference in future

The only option to wake up the government is only by one way. Everyone should stop paying tax and all citizens should stand in for a standard reason and complete political methods should be changed. If not even our grand children and great grand children will see the same shit and someone will again pop up like me to send a comment like this ..... again and again....and again
Unknown said…
I agree vth ur opinion buddy.
The attack in Mumbai resulted in loss of 183 innocent people lives.
Even now the politicians in Mumbai are very much interested for CM chair than for the security for their people.Shame on their behaviour.Even in Hyd the Police are so careless in giving security to their people.After such a terriffic incident they let another terrorist vikaruddin to go away vth their improper planning.
Terrorista are using very advanced weapons, where as our government is using the old stuff, which is resulting in loosing of many innocent lives.The government spend lots of funds on lots of things, why cannt they spend funds on these type of useful things.Wish atleast now they should think of this.
Unknown said…
hmmm finally I make my comment.... hopefully u like it.
firstly I would not be so harsh on the army or the ATS guys (took60 hrs/ 3 days blah blah). the terrorists were in a better position and i dont think its that easy to neutralize the situation. but probably one shud agree that there was lack of coordination at the maximal extent.

I agree our leaders are the worst but blaming them is not solution..... they did not come from Mars or jupiter..... they just are as much Indians as you and me are. We are responsible for putting them there... I guess we shud blame ourselves and nobody else in this regard.

I completely disagree with the statement about Bush. what he did was a mess which just escalated the situation further (wrt Americans). In the end he still could not capture the mastermind of all this..... I actually think invading pak would be the worst possible idea in todays condition. It will lead to such a mess that is very hard to even imagine. Instead if the 'leader' have whatever vision left in them shud use the back doors or spy agencies to diffuse the situation (terror breeding modules in both India and pak). But I guess that will not happen either.

In the end I can only say... we have so much population that we dont have any value for life anymore. people just forget things very fast..... some the very next day, some after couple of weeks once the news item shifts to back pages, some like you and me write stupid useless blogs and keep it alive and then forget anyway and finally the victims.... after a year or too will eventually forget.

This cycle unfortunately will continue like this......
Unknown said…
Yeah Aravind,

But india is struggling with bad politics that is the main cause.

Not like other countries in India parties divide the people.....

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